commit 2902f7e6ca31071f8731a3f3f4cba119ee30f92a
parent dfb5d90036276af103c9d261be7d5d2cd1a39910
Author: Santtu Lakkala <>
Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2007 09:55:50 +0000
Leetle hildon-1/chinook migration things
1 file changed, 58 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/posts/ b/posts/
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# Leetle hildon-1/chinook migration things
+ Most of "my" applications are now chinook ready, at least in the svn. However, I prefer to keep them compatible with mistral and bora, so I need to do little quirks. Let's investigate osso-xterm's modifications for example.
+ What was previously known as hildon-libs, is now hildon-1, so we need to tell about this. Before the change, I had:
+<div class="p">
+ <pre>
+PKG_CHECK_MODULES(HILDON, hildon-libs >= 0.12.0)
+ </pre>
+ Now, as we need to also check for hildon-1, and due to the fact that we need to know it in source as the include paths have changed, it goes like this:
+<div class="p">
+ <pre>
+PKG_CHECK_MODULES(HILDON, hildon-1 >= 0.9.9, \
+ AC_DEFINE(HILDON, 1, [Version of hildon libraries]), \
+ [AC_DEFINE(HILDON, 0, [Version of hildon libraries]) \
+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES(HILDON_LIBS, hildon-libs >= 0.12.0)])
+ </pre>
+ In code, I do the following:
+<div class="p">
+ <pre>
+# include <config.h>
+#if HILDON == 1
+# include <hildon/hildon-window.h>
+# include <hildon-widgets/hildon-window.h>
+ </pre>
+ There are also some real changes, but with this I get to compile stuff and get warnings/errors for the other stuff that has changed. Those I've, again, separated with #if HILDON == 1.
+ For projects that don't use autotools, I use this kind of stuff:
+<div class="p">
+ <pre>
+mh_shot_tool_CFLAGS += $(shell if pkg-config hildon-1 --exists; then \
+ pkg-config hildon-1 --cflags; echo -DHILDON=1; \
+ elif pkg-config hildon-libs --exists; then \
+ pkg-config hildon-libs --cflags; echo -DHILDON=0; \
+ else pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --cflags; fi)
+ </pre>
+ **Edit:** thanks to Loïc for pointing out, the AC_SUBSTs aren't actually needed, PKG_CHECK_MODULES already does that. You may omit them and it will still work.
+\ No newline at end of file